Beef rendang

Beef Rendang

Rendang Beef is a traditional dish from Southeast Asia originating from Padang, Indonesia that is usually served during festive seasons such as Hari Raya. This dish is loved for its delicious taste, with a perfect balance of sweet, hot and spicy. The recipe is easy to follow, but it takes a while to cook because the meat and spices need to be cooked for a long time.

While preparing your ingredients, make sure you use a lean cut of meat, because rendang needs to be cooked for a long time. Soft parts such as areca nuts are not suitable for cooking rendang. It is also important to remember that when sauteing ground ingredients, use medium heat so the water can evaporate slowly. This will prevent the hot oil from splattering.

While you cook, keep in mind that rendang requires patience. The meat and spices at the bottom need to be mixed regularly so that they don't crust or burn. Besides that, be sure to remove the lemongrass stalk before serving. With these tips in mind, you will be able to prepare delicious Rendang Daging for the family.


2kg of beef (normal solid meat)
5 shallots
11 cloves garlic
150g cili kisar ( 6 tablespoons)
200g rustle (2 wrap)
1 a cup of thick coconut milk
6 tablespoons of curry spice
3 inches ginger (coarsely sliced)
2 inch galangal (coarsely sliced)
10 bt lemongrass (smashed)
15g kaffir lime leaves (sliced)
4 Turmeric leaves
1 tamarind seeds
Salt (5 tea spoon)
Gula (5 tablespoons)


  1. Blend shallots and garlic with a little water until smooth.
  2. Heat the oil and saute the mixture of shallots and minced garlic on medium heat until slightly dry.
  3. Add curry spices and mix until it becomes a paste. Then add ginger and galangal, followed by ground chili. Mix well.
  4. Add lemongrass and stir-fry over medium heat for 10 minutes, stir occasionally.
  5. Add the beef and mix well. Then enter 3 cup of water (750ml), toasted coconut paste ( kerisik ), and coconut milk. Mix well and dissolve the ingredients.
  6. Add turmeric leaves and mix well. Then enter 5 teaspoon of salt and stir until smooth.
  7. Simmer rendang over low heat for a while 40 minutes, stir constantly to make sure it doesn't crust or burn.
  8. After 40 minutes, add 1 cup of water and keep stirring every 5-10 minutes.
  9. Add kaffir lime leaves and tamarind and mix well. Then enter 5 tablespoons of sugar as a flavor balancer.
  10. Continue simmering rendang over low heat until the meat is tender. Remove the lemongrass stalk before serving. Usually 2-3 hours old.
  11. Serve with ketupat, lodeh, lemang or any of your favorite dishes.

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