French Vanilla Ice Cream

Most ice creams on the market now contain vegetable fats instead of dairy fats except for premium branded ice creams such as Haagen Dazs.

This recipe is based on a French style ice cream recipe that uses egg yolks as one of the basic ingredients. Ice cream based on cream and milk but not containing egg yolks is known as American style or Philadelphia style ice cream.

An important technique used in this recipe is ‘tempering’ where hot milk is mixed into the egg yolk slowly so as not to cook too quickly. The same technique is also used in making classic custard as well as creme’ caramel.

For those who do not have a special ice cream maker , can use the technique in this recipe that only requires a ziplock plastic bag and a food blender ( food processor ) or your regular kitchen blender.


1000ml whipping cream
500ml of fresh milk
250g sugar
6 egg yolk
3 sudu besar esen vanilla
1/2 teaspoons of salt


  1. First add the whipping cream, followed by fresh milk, and sugar.
  2. Heat over medium heat and cook until sugar is completely dissolved. Make sure the cream, milk and mixed sugar.
  3. When the sugar is completely dissolved, we need to combine the egg yolks with the cream mixture , milk and sugar. This should be done carefully so that the egg yolks do not cook too quickly.
  4. Add the hot cream and milk mixture little by little to the egg yolk and beat until well combined. This will raise the temperature of the egg yolk slowly. This step is very important, if we add too much cream and milk, the egg yolk will cook and the creamy water mixture will be spoiled and unusable.
  5. Repeat until the temperature of the cream mixture, milk and eggs are almost identical to cream and milk in a pot.
  6. Now we pour it back into the pot while stirring.
  7. Then add it 3 tablespoons vanilla flavor. If there is natural vanilla is better. This recipe can be modified if you like other ice creams such as chocolate or strawberries by adding flavoring ingredients.
  8. Add too 1/2 teaspoons of salt. Salt will enhance the taste of sweet foods like ice cream.
  9. Continue to cook until the mixture thickens slightly and looks steamy. Do not let the mixture boil as this will cause the mixture to break down the oil and cannot be used.
  10. When can we make a mark on the back of the shovel, The ice cream mix is ​​ready. Turn off the heat and set aside to cool.
  11. Once cool, if there is an ice cream machine you can use it as usual, but if there is no I will show you another way.
  12. We need a plastic zip lock bag like this that can be closed like this.
  13. Pour in the cooled and strained ice cream mixture. Sometimes there are remnants of eggs and silt left behind.
  14. Close the plastic bag first. Slightly open the corners of the plastic edges and remove as much air as possible, and reseal the plastic bag. Put in the freezer to freeze completely at least 10 hours or overnight.
  15. Once frozen, This is how it looks. Remove some of the ice cream mixture. We will use a food blender ( food processor ) to grind the mixture so as to get a smooth ice cream and no coarse ice crystals.
  16. If there is no blender , a regular kitchen blender is also possible , but don't add too many ranges. Blend a little first but don't let the ice cream melt too much.
  17. After being dispensed, the coarse ice crystals will be crushed and the cream water will be fine like this. But still too soft to eat first.
  18. Put in a suitable container and put in the freezer for at least 4-6 hours or longer.
  19. After being frozen, ice cream is ready to be served
For more detailed steps please refer to the video above

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